Hello! My Name is Ace
I was DogsInVests first service dog trainee. Over the two years I spent with DogsInVests, I learned the ins and outs of becoming a certified service dog. For the past two years, I have worked with my puppy raiser Paul. Paul has taught me many things. But let me tell you a little bit about myself before I arrived at DogsInVests.
My original home was Windy Knolls Kennels in Franksville, WI. I spent most of my time there with my brothers and sisters. I used to love running up and down the kennel runs, waiting for someone to take me home. Then one day in November DogsInVests came to pick me up and then my journey as a service dog began.
That's when Paul and I started to spend a lot of time together. I like Paul. We work on basic obedience commands, play and go for long walks. Once a week I would work with my trainer, Patti. I showed her what I was learning and what I have already learned. It was really fun because I got to learn new commands all the time. They always gave me treats for learning them. I like treats! My vocabulary has gotten bigger throughout my training. I understand sit, stand, down, come and stay; along with some other commands Paul has taught me. It was fun learning my commands. I've become an expert at drop, leave it and wait. I was rewarded for learning to be safe by obeying my commands. Paul wanted me to be safe when I learn.
On my journey to becoming a service dog, I started my training by going to puppy classes once a week. After I finished my puppy classes I went into my adult beginner class. When I graduated from my adult beginner class, I started my Canine Good Citizen training as well as my training for detecting blood sugar.
My recipient I have been paired up with has Autism as well as Diabetes. His name is Trestin. I've been training very hard these past two years to finally get to go home with Trestin and in August of 2020 both Trestin and I graduated from DogsInVests.
I've enjoyed my journey of becoming a service dog but the learning is never over. Trestin and I will continue to grow and learn together in this wonderful journey. Thanks to all who supported me along the way.
- Ace