Adding Members to the DogsInVests Family
It’s been an exciting time here at DogsInVests these past couple of months. We added a new member to our puppies in training. Cleo joined the DogsInVests family in early December. She is featured in the picture above. Cleo is an adorable female black Labrador Retriever born August 31, 2019. She is very enthusiastic and has a sweet temperament. My favorite thing about Cleo is the way she stares into your eyes when you talk to her. She was placed with puppy raisers Jim and Barb F. She is enjoying her new home and big sister Abbey, an 8-year-old Golden Retriever. Cleo has recently started her puppy classes, the first step in her service dog training. She also visits DogsInVests weekly for training sessions with our trainer Patti. We are all encouraged by Cleo’s early progress.
Ace passed his Canine Good Citizen Class in November. He now is ready for full public access and is in his final steps of training as a service dog. Ace has been perfecting his scent training for blood sugar levels as he will be placed with a client with autism and diabetes. We are extremely proud of Ace’s progress. I can hardly believe Ace has been with us for over a year now and will soon be placed in his important role as a service dog.